Jasmina Cibic’s projects have been made possible by continuing institutional and financial support by: Arts Council England, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Graham Foundation for Advance Studies in Fine Art, European City of Culture Aarhus 2017, Esker Foundation Calgary, Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, British Council, Northern Film School Leeds, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, MAO Museum of Architecture and Design, UGM Maribor, Catlin London, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz, London Cultural Olympiad, European City of Culture 2012, Tobacco Museum Ljubljana, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Museum of Yugoslav History, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art, MSUM+, International Centre of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb

Studio and technical support: Manca Bajec, Andrej Zavodnik, Mateja Šetina, Pete Moss

Curators and collaborators: Alessandro Vincentelli, Juliana Engberg, Cheryl Sim, Katia Baudin, Gunnar Kvaran, Danielle Kvaran, Tevž Logar, Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez, Una Popović, Tihomir Milovac, Vladimir Vidmar, Charles Esche, Suzana Milevska, Lina Džuverović, FOKUS Grupa, Michelle Deignan, Katerina Gregos, Simona Vidmar, Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur, Igor Španjol, Juan de Nieves, Ana Panić, Una Popović, Gordana Nikolić, Anders Härm, Gabriella Uhl, Bénédicte le Pimpec, Isaline Vuille, Anders Harm, Carmen Billows, Miha Colner, Petja Grafenauer, Ken Pratt, RED mined, OGMS, Jane Rendell, Nika Grabar, Vanja Žanko, Steffano Colletto, Riccardo Caldura

© All images are copyright Jasmina Cibic. Texts copyright Jasmina Cibic and the respective authors.